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A leader ready to help GROW our community of Keller ISD

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My husband, children, and I have resided in Keller ISD (KISD) since 2001.  My husband, Rick, and I have been married for 24 years.  We have three children, Cooper, Hannah, and Avery and all three attended KISD with my oldest starting his KISD career in first grade.  My children attended the following KISD schools: Lone Star Elementary, Friendship Elementary, Parkwood Hill Intermediate, Hillwood Middle, and Central High.  Each of my children graduated from Central High: Cooper-2013, Hannah-2014, and Avery-2016. Currently, all three children are in college, attending the University of Oklahoma, studying their passions, all which were nurtured at Central High.  Both my husband and I have been devoted volunteers within our community and KISD.  I feel it is now time for me to give back to my community.  It is my mission to ensure that each KISD student has the same educational and extra-curricular opportunities that were afforded to my children so that all KISD students realize their path to success.


Endorsement-Keller ISD, Student

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